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 A Very Brief Tutorial on HTML


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This is a very basic tutorial, a more detailed tutorial can be found Here

In HTML you control the look of your page with 'tags'. A 'tag' tells your browser what to do with the line, or lines, of text or images.
A 'tag' always begins with a less-than sign   <
and ends with a greater-than sign   >
and should look like this - <XXX>

Some tags require an end.
- start <XXX>
- end </XXX> - the end tag uses a forward slash in front of the letters


A brief Explanation of common tags you may want to use

<B> - Bold text, requires an end tag </B>

<CENTER> - Centers text on the page, requires an end center </CENTER>

<P> - A paragraph, skips a line. (no end P required)

<BR> - This is a line break, use it when you want to stop a line at a certain place.

NOTE: Paragraph tags are not required for EZ HTML, this is done automatically in the program.

<H1> - Header, requires an end tag </H1> Headers are numbered 1 to 6, #1 being the largest.

Header #1

Header #2

Header #3

Header #4

Header #5
Header #6


Advanced Section


Anchors (clickable text)

All Anchors begin with the <A . . . the most common is <A HREF=" . . ."> This is used to access another page somewhere on the net. It could be another of your pages on your server, or half way around the world. Using hypertext anchors is easy. Just type in the 'http://' address between the quotes in the anchor tag, and type a description of the 'link' after the tag, then end the 'link' with </A> end anchor tag.

<A HREF="address_to_page"> - Anchor tag, requires an end tag </A>

<A HREF="http://www.address_to_page">Clickable text here</A>

<A HREF="">Visit my Home Page</A>


How to link your pages

On the page creator form in one of the 'link' boxes, just type the name of the page you want to link to, Then put discriptive text for the link.

If you are on your first page and you want to link to your second page, in one of the 'link' boxes, just type the name of your 2nd page - your-username2.html
Then put discriptive text for the page, this is your 'clickable' text.



The image tag is written: <IMG SRC="path-to-image/image-name.extention">


How to add more images to your page.

The tag you need to use to add more images to your page is:
<IMG SRC="your_image.gif">

Just copy the above tag and place it in one of the paragraphs where you would like the image to appear. Select the image you want to use and replace the 'your_image.gif' with your image name.
You can only use .gif or .jpg images with this program.


<UL> - this is an unordered list (requires an end tag </UL>)

<LI> - this is a list item, will show a bullet next to the item

<LI>List item number one
<LI>List item number two

<OL> - this is an Ordered list (requires an end tag </OL>)

<LI> - this is a list item, will show a number next to the item


  1. <LI>List item number one
  2. <LI>List item number two

Horizontal Rule

<HR> - No end tag required


If you want more than this tutorial, a more detailed instructional page is available Here


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