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Inconsistencies in Randy Fraser’s Testimony

Prosecutors pointed out glaring inconsistencies in self-proclaimed bishop Randy Fraser’s testimony as the mockery of a trial continues.

Anywhere else in the world this creep would have been locked away long ago.

Only in the dysfunctional and corrupt legal system of The Bahamas can a pedophile get so much leeway from the courts.

This mockery of justice has been going on for years and the pevert pastor is still in the pulpit.

Fraser’s semen was found splashed all over his church office after he allegedly had multiple sex sessions with a young girl he was supposed to be counseling.

Fraser, 53, testified in court that he was making love to his wife when they went to the church during a hurricane after the current at his house had been cut off.

Yet, in testimony the day before, Fraser couldn’t even remember the last time he had sex with his wife, let alone at the church.

Prosecutors say that his claim of having sex with his wife in his church office was “made up.”

Franklyn Williams, deputy director of public prosecutions, suggested that Fraser had a pattern of sexual misconduct.

Fraser, pastor of Pilgrim Baptist Temple, St James Road, is accused of having sex with the teen between July 2005 and February 2006. If convicted, he faces seven years in prison.

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