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Ruling On Web Shop Injunction Delayed

The Crown represented by Lauren Klein, Darren Henfield, Darcell Williamson and Melissa Wright-Knowles argued that web shop gaming operators admitted they were engaging in gaming.

This was told to Chief Justice Sir Michael Barnett yesterday in the Crown’s attempt to ihave an injunction lifted off the government and law enforcement, which prevents them taking action against web shop operators.

Lawyers Wayne Munroe and Alfred Sears who represent seven web shop gaming operators, countered the argument by claiming that there was a meeting between the operators and the Ministry of Finance in April 2010 when full disclosure of their operations were made to the government and their licenses were renewed.

As reported in The Tribune: The current legal battle before the chief justice started just days after the January 28 referendum, which sought either to legalise and tax web shop gambling or establish a national lottery. Both were rejected by the electorate.

On January 29, all web shops were ordered by Prime Minister Perry Christie to cease their gaming operations.

Instead, on January 30 the numbers bosses took legal action in the Supreme Court.

Senior Justice Jon Isaacs granted an injunction that prevented the government and the police from stopping illegal activity, thereby protecting the patrons and operators of web shops.

After hearing the arguments Chief Justice Sir Michael deferred his ruling, saying he would take into consideration everything that was argued by both sides and would give a ruling “shortly”.

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