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St. Georges, Haywards Back in Driver’s Seat at Port Authority

With a settlement agreement regarding ownership in the Grand Bahama Port Authority (GBPA) three months behind them, the Hayward and St. George families are reportedly working together again to develop a “bright future” for Freeport.

The families were feuding for some four years over the fact that GBPA Honorary Chairman Sir Jack Hayward was insisting that he owned 75 percent of the company, while the Estate of Edward St. George held firm that their ownership status was at 50 percent.

The long court battle which had reached the Court of Appeal by February, came to an end in July, however, the terms of the settlement agreement between Sir Jack, the St. George Estate and former Chairman Hannes Babak are confidential.

At last report, Sir Jack and Sarah St. George (daughter of the late Edward St. George), were working to-gether as equal partners in a bid to bring “a new era of cooperation and prosperity for Freeport and the island of Grand Bahama.”

Posted in Business

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