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Christie Wallows in Petty Politics

I am continually amazed by Prime Minister Perry Christie’s inability to rise above the ranks of his petty party and establish himself as an honourable leader.

Time and again, Mr. Christie has been handed the opportunity to do so on a silver platter – in his first administration when he ought to have called for the resignation of certain Cabinet Ministers; prior to the 2012 General Election when, because of their previous betrayals of the trust placed in them by the Bahamian people, he should have denied these same men the opportunity to re-enter the hallowed halls of Parliament; and again yesterday as the Honourable Hubert Ingraham attempted to make his farewell speech in the House of Assembly.

The latest event was the perfect occasion for Mr. Christie to command control of the floor of the House; to be dignified and humble in victory and, for once, not a gloater; and to lead by example in a show of respect for the former Prime Minister of this nation – his former parliamentary colleague and former law partner and (in Mr. Christie’s own words) his friend. Instead, Mr. Christie sat back and watched vindictively as his puerile party members did everything in their power to try to embarrass Mr. Ingraham. I might add that The Honourable Speaker, Dr. Kendal “Not on My Watch” Major, also presented a major disappointment. Suffice to say that I expected much more from Dr. Major.

Mr. Christie’s lack of humility and compassion is, indeed, an indication that he has learned nothing from the great politicians of the past, Sir Lynden, Mr. Ingraham et al, and that he will never rise above the small-minded overtures and do what is best for this country. Instead, he will continue to be weighted down by insignificance, inaction and, yes, his insecurities.

Rise up, Mr. Christie, RISE UP!

Nassau, Bahamas
July, 2012

Posted in Opinions

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