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Potcake Rescue Seeks Flight Escorts

Canadian Royal Potcake Rescue is seeking people willing to escort rescued animals on flights between Toronto and Bahamas.

Canadian Royal Potcake Rescue is a nonprofit Canadian rescue that rescues dogs from Canada, USA and Bahamas. They rescue kill shelter dogs, street dogs and puppies. These dogs would have died if they had not been rescued. These are innocent creatures that did not ask to be here but now that they are they matter!

Your help is needed. They need donations of food, flight sponsors or flight escorts who fly ftom Toronto to Bahamas or California. Much needed funds for vetting, flights and special needs animals. They need you to continue their work. If you own a rescued animal you know the special bond you share. So please help Canadian Royal Potcake Rescue continue their work and donate to their cause! Your rescue will love you for it!

Posted in Lifestyle

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