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Governor General Thanks Grand Bahama Health Care Professionals

FREEPORT, The Bahamas — Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes saluted health professionals in Grand Bahama Friday, during the Annual visit by the Governor General to the Rand Memorial Hospital.

Accompanied by Lady Foulkes and Health Minister, the Hon. Dr. Hubert A. Minnis, Sir Arthur told the large gathering assembled at the Rand Hospital that “on behalf of a grateful people, I thank you for the generosity and professionalism with which you carry out your duties every hour of every day all year-round.”

Further, he said that as we recall the successes and the challenges of 2010; let us also anticipate that the new year will bring new opportunities to build on the past and also new challenges to be met.

“As a nation we have much to be grateful for; even through the challenges brought on by the economic recession, we can still say without a shadow of a doubt that we are blessed beyond measure.

“Our nation continues to thrive and our people remain resilient despite the adversities.  In that spirit may we continue to show gratitude for the many blessings we share as a nation,” he stated.

He told the Grand Bahama Health Services team that they have repeatedly demonstrated their commitment to the healing ministry by caring for those in need, even when the demand for their services continues to grow.

“You represent the spirit of Christmas at its best, reflected by your unwavering dedication to help those in need, giving hope to those in despair, and spreading peace and understanding in our community,” he said.

Likewise, he called on the gathering to always remember that a genuine and loving spirit is not meant to be seasonal but rather to be constant and lasting.   The Season, he said, is an opportunity for renewing that spirit so as to maintain its brilliance and its essence; otherwise, it may be diminished by the pressures and pre-occupations of life.  Additionally, he said that as we celebrate the Christmas Season that we ponder on the life of Jesus who came to earth and gave his life so that we may live.

“His actions and his words remind us that service to others is central to our lives and that sacrifice and unconditional love must guide us and inspire us to lead lives of compassion and service,” he said.

Sir Arthur also expressed that this service should not be viewed only as an obligation of one’s job, but also as a willing act of love received freely from God and given without conditions to those in need. He stressed that this Christmas we can demonstrate our appreciation for the blessings God has given to our nation and to each of us, by being a blessing to others.

By Simon Lewis
Bahamas Information Services

Posted in Lifestyle

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