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Kill or Be Killed?

A violent mindset is growing in The Bahamas that could lead to even more chaos and social unrest.

Crooked cops, lawyers, judges and politicians have been perverting justice for so long in The Bahamas that most ordinary citizens no longer trust the police or have any faith in the legal system.

This is spawning a dangerous trend… the “kill or be killed” mentality.

It started almost innocently as people simply lost confidence in the police force.  As trust and confidence eroded further, some people even stopped calling the police and started defending themselves against criminals.  A shopkeeper shot an armed robber, a group of people stopped a hit-and-run driver.

Now, a popular local website is predicting, almost encouraging, that people take the law into their own hands.

“Criminals must not expect just the police to turn on them, but so also will society. No one should expect innocent citizens of this country to watch their town descend into chaos by a few ‘vicked’ daemons.”

Bahamas Press also echoes a warning that BahamasB2B has been sounding for over a decade.

“All we know is this: if someone doesn’t get a handle on our society quickly and make punishment in the Bahamas swift, certain and sure – it will get worse before it gets better.”

Back in 2002, when BahamasB2B first cautioned against the dysfunctional legal system, some pissant named Clarence, allegedly from the Ministry of Tourism, threatened this website and publicly slandered the owners.

Apparently the tourism bosses felt that mentioning crime or admitting that we had a growing crime problem was akin to airing our dirty laundry and might affect tourism.

Instead, government just let the crime problem fester and now it really HAS and really IS hurting tourism… and destroying our society.

While BahamasB2B can never condone taking the law into your own hands, we agree with Bahamas Press that that if something doesn’t change, and quickly, The Bahamas, as we know it, will be lost forever.

Posted in Opinions

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