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PMH Loses Surgery Roster, Delays Surgeries

Patients who prepared for months for surgery at Princess Margaret Hospital this week were told they now have to wait until next year. Why?

Because the hospital’s surgery roster has been lost.

Several patients have been affected by this ridiculous incompetence.

Free National Movement (FNM) deputy leader Loretta Butler Turner is calling for an explanation from hospital and Ministry of Health officials.

One of the patients said this would be an inconvenience that could adversely affect the quality of his life and even cause him to lose his job.

This patient was quoted in The Tribune: “My surgery was booked from the 6th of May and I had my last appointment on the 18th of September to prepare for the surgery. I went there on the 26th and they said someone had the appointment book and the book was lost so they had to reschedule persons. Now they trying to give me February 20th of next year as the new date for my surgery.”

Mrs Butler-Turner said: “I found it to be very unusual that surgeries are only being booked on some kind of ledger and the fact that these were long standing appointments that these people have been waiting on, obviously something is not right here.”

She continued: “Too many of our people are dependent on the public hospital authority on their healthcare and they can’t even get the hospital roster together? That’s shameful.”

Source: The Tribune

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