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And The Prime Minister’s Boss Has Spoken

How telling it was to read one of the national dailies carrying a report on Lyford Cay resident, expatriate Peter Nygard’s announcement about his reported plans for stem cell work in The Bahamas.

According to the report, the expat was commenting on the controversial Stem Cell law recently passed by Parliament. And regarding the drafting and passage of that legislation, he is quoted as saying of Bahamas Prime Minister Perry Christie: The Prime Minister did what I asked him to do.

Quote of 2013: The Prime Minister did what I asked him to do.

Fair enough. The only question I wish to ask now is this: Bahamas, have you been able to get your Prime Minister to do what you – the Bahamian men and women to whom this country belongs and to whom he owes his political life and his current seat in power via Election Day – have asked him to do?

If not, perhaps a change in nationality followed by an upgrade in financial status might be appropriate starting points for you to get a provisional shot at having bragging rights on The Bahamas’ Prime Minister heeding your calls and doing what you ask him to do.

As the saying goes, it looks like being Bahamian in The Bahamas is outta season.

Sharon Turner

Posted in Opinions

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