As the clock ticks toward the opening ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics, the Bahamas Olympic Committee (BOC) heaped praise on Team Bahamas’ lead sponsor, BTC, thanking it and parent company Cable & Wireless Communications for hosting what it called a fabulous reception for athletes, coaches, family and officials.
“After 60 years of existence this is the first time in our (BOC) history a corporate sponsor has provided to many delightful experiences,” said BOC Secretary General Romell Knowles, praising the financial contribution and human effort BTC exerted to create an inviting environment at Bahama House in London, home of the Bahamas High Commission to the Court of St. James, and hosting a reception for more than 60 people at the famed Claridge’s Hotel in the heart of London.

BTC kicked off the partnership with the country’s Olympic hopefuls with a $100,000 donation to the BOC for Team Bahamas, then sent its own team of goodwill ambassadors to London to ensure that support materials from gear to jackets to caps and flags were in place for cheering crowds. At the Claridge’s reception, they wowed the crowd with feast and festival.
“On behalf of the Bahamas Olympic Committee, I wish to thank Cable and Wireless and BTC for a wonderful evening,” said Knowles. “I am aware of all the hard work and planning it took to pull off this most pleasant evening not to mention the hefty price tag that comes with an event at the world-renown Claridge’s Hotel.
“Knowles went on to thank CWC Chairman Tony Rice, Events coordinator Carole Barnett and BTC Senior Vice President Tellis Symonette who delivered remarks that Knowles called “passionate and motivational.”
“BTC has a long history with sports and athletic development in The Bahamas but never has our involvement been this deep, our commitment this long-lasting,” Symonette told guests, including Minister of Youth, Sports & Culture Dr. Daniel Johnson. “The $100,000 donation which we made to the Bahamas Olympic Committee earlier this month was the first installment of a four-year pledge that will help sustain training efforts between now and the Brazil Olympics in 2016.
“To all our athletes, we know that you have worked for years getting ready for these games. You have trained and sacrificed.
You have been out on the track or in the pool while others were home in bed, catching a little sleep. You have given up parties and put your social life on hold during the season. May we all join together in wishing everyone of our 26 athletes on Team Bahamas a healthy, safe, successful Olympics. Whether you medal or not, we want you to know that you are special. You are appreciated. You are the role models or many younger Bahamians.
You deserve the resounding round of applause we are all about to give you.”
While Symonette, whose responsibilities including commercial development and Family Islands, thanked parents and coaches and encouraged athletes, Knowles lavished praise on BTC and Cable & Wireless, its majority shareholder.
“The Executive Team led by Mr.Rice of Cable and Wireless have sought to do more, so much more than any other private or public entity including the government, for ‘Team Bahamas’ and we are forever grateful,” Knowles said.
Diane Phillips and Associates
Top Photo: BTC, CWC Hosts Team Bahamas to Reception at Famed Claridge’s Hotel– Team Bahamas’ members with BTC & CWC execs at a reception atClaridge’s Hotel in London. Pictured centre front are Chandra Stirrup, CWCChairman Tony Rice, Tonique Williams, Minister of Youth, Sports & CultureDr. Daniel Johnson and BTC Sr VP Tellis Symonette. (Photo credit: ChristopherHughes)
Three’s a Perfect Crowd – CWC’s Chairman, Tony Riceshares a moment with Tonique Williams and Minister of Youth, Sports &Culture Dr. Daniel Johnson at the BTC hosted reception for Team Bahamas atClaridge’s Hotel in London. (Photo credit: Christopher Hughes)