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Tributes Paid To ‘King’ Eric Gibson

“King” Eric Gibson, who was considered one of the sailing and entertainment communities’ brightest stars, passed away last Saturday after a long illness.

Mr Gibson dedicated many years to the growth and development of sloop sailing and regatta organisation and is chiefly responsible for the popularity of the sport which is enjoyed today.

Gibson’s impact on Family Island economies and domestic tourism was profound.

“His contribution to Bahamian music, especially live native entertainment in local hotels and nightclubs, enhanced our cultural tourism product immensely and remains a blueprint for local cultural tourism development today.  He is truly a cultural icon,” said Bradley Roberts, PLP Chairman and family friend.

Mr Roberts said his death is a great loss for the Bahamas as “King Eric” has left behind a tremendous legacy of cultural achievement and national pride.

“He has left mighty shoes to be filled,” he said.

‘King” Eric Gibson was one of the 40 people included in the original “Bahamian Collection” a series of fine art portraits of Bahamians that were exhibited at the National Art Gallery of The Bahamas (NAGB), as part of the celebration of the 40th Anniversary of The Bahamas.   The collection is the first body of work resulting from the Bahamian Project, a three-year initiative sponsored by the NAGB and Popopstudios.

For more information in the Project, visit:

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