Domain Name Email

It’s time to leave your hard-to-remember e-mail address behind and snap up something a bit more personal (e.g., “”). Domain Email is the perfect complement to your Web Address. Plus, email accounts from BahamasB2B are fast, full-featured and ultra-reliable and secure. Domain Email is the perfect complement to your Web Address. It’s easy to use […]

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promote your business

Featured Directory Listing

Effective, Low Cost Advertising A featured listing in the Bahamas Directory on is an effective, low cost Internet marketing opportunity for Bahamian-based businesses Contact us to set up your featured listing today. Business owners and consumers look to BahamasB2B to find all kinds of products and services – from restaurants and automobiles to investment […]

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Bahamas Event Broadcast

Bahamas Event Broadcast is an Events Promotion and Distribution Service. Organizers, Sponsors and Event Planners can use our event promotion service to advertise their events to a local and/or international audience. When posting events, organizers can precisely target the subscribers who will receive information about their events. This service is available for all sorts of […]

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Domain Name Tips

Here are a few domain name tips to keep in mind before you… register a domain name now! TIP: The first and best tip is… to register your domain names NOW. If you are even thinking about registering a domain name and it’s available – get it now! We can’t tell you how many times […]

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E-mail Management for Your Business

When you run a business on the Internet, your e-mail is your front line customer service staff. If you don’t manage your e-mail well, then the time, energy and expense you have put into setting up your website so meticulously have been a waste. Email for Your Business It’s quite likely that the vast majority […]

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What Can Bahamas B2B Do For You?

In today’s competitive environment your company or organization is most likely competing with many others for the public’s attention, money and skills. The Internet can help you present your message quickly and powerfully. The Web is so universal and versatile that it allows you to do many jobs inexpensively and efficiently – publicize, promote, raise […]

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