One of my favorite things to have for breakfast is overnight oats. Oats are a fiber-rich whole grain that keeps you full for hours. Also high in protein, oats are one of the healthiest & nutrient balanced foods on the planet.
Typically, oats are boiled in water and eaten hot. But with the overnight oats method, the raw oats are simply soaked in liquid until soft and can be consumed cold or heated up.
So how is it done? First, you’ll need to get a container with a lid. I like to use mason jars. Then, grab your oats of choice. I prefer to use Gluten Free Rolled Oats (include Amazon product link). I think steel cut oats stay too chewy and instant oats get too soft, but you do you.
Next thing you’ll need is the liquid you want to use. Most of the time I’ll use plant milk, my favorite is Ripple Unsweetened Original. But water works fine too in a pinch. You could also get creative and use coffee or tea! There are no rules! The ratio of oats to liquid depends on how you thick you like your oatmeal. It’s trial and error sometimes. Just remember you can always add more liquid, but once too much liquid is added it’s hard to fix.
Once you’ve got your liquid and oats situation figured out, you can move onto deciding how to flavor your overnight oats. There are so many ways to pimp your oats! Experiment with different fruits, nuts, seeds and even try adding protein powder for a super protein packed meal!

Some of my favorite ways to enjoy overnight oats are:
PB&J– peanut butter, fresh or frozen berries
Apple Cinnamon– diced apples, cinnamon, sunflower seeds
Banana Bread– banana, walnuts, pumpkin pie spice
Chocolate Cherry– chocolate chips, frozen cherries (raspberries are a great sub)
Strawberry Banana– fresh or frozen strawberries, banana
Simply put oats and mix-ins into your container, and top with liquid. Close the lid tightly and give it a good shake to mix everything up. Then pop into the fridge and the next morning you’ll have a delicious, filling breakfast that’s ready when you are!
Let me know what flavor combinations are your favorite and stay tuned for more easy breakfast recipes.